About the Foundation

Our organization was founded in 2007 and already opened its gates to their clients, drug users and those who are willing to sober up in the heart of Budapest VII. District.
Our colleagues all perceive this helping work here as a profession, because they are also recovered addicts for years and/or specially trained for this type of social work.
One of our main tasks is to look after those addicts who are seeking to recover or in the need of follow-up care/treatment, but also to seek out those addicts who have not received any kind of treatment yet, but are willing to require our services voluntarily and anonymously.
We believe that due to the peculiarities of the low threshold services, tools, possibilities that we offer make us more accessible than a high demand institution to those addicts, who are very hard to reach normally. Our view is that this type of approach can bring better results in finding, reaching and involving people in our programmes/services who are struggling with addiction problems. Our main tasks are including institution habituation, providing necessary information for survival, through the encouragement to make use of helping services, to directing existing clients to other treatment centres or places.


Telefon: +36-1-413-1380   |   Email: info@artera2007.hu
Megelőző-felvilágosító elterelésre való bejelentkezés:
Címünk: 1074 Budapest, Rottenbiller u. 10. (bejárat a Péterfy utca felől)
Nyitva tartás: hétfő-péntek 10:00 - 16:00

Felhasználási feltételek, adatvédelem

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